Sunday, April 5, 2009


So Friday we started our day off bright and early just like the "real" cowboys do. We loaded up the buckarros and headed over to the school for "rodeo day". The kids had been working ALL week studying about Texas, cowboys, and all things western. We (the parents) were asked to supply goldfish, pretzels, and some other edible items for "trail mix", old socks for horses (I had no idea horses needed socks.. but ok..), the dude (my new name for B) had to research all the facts about Texas, and he had to dress the part of a cowboy (which was fine with the diva since she loves all things cowboy and horse...someone forgot to tell the diva she was NOT invited to the rodeo though)

So here are the horses in their corrals... (the diva was a tad dissappointed there were no REAL horses in the corral)

I thought they were cute (in a Rudoloph the rednosed reindeer sort of way).

Now Rodeo Day consisted of a modge-podge of games.. the first requirement of the day was to cheer vigorously for your team... check ;)

The first game was one where the object was to dip your soup ladel into the bucket (which contained water).. and run DOWN a hill

trying NOT to spill water... (oops)

and deposit what is left of your water into another bucket...

I would love to show you a pic of the water that was IN the bucket at the end but it would not have shown up... good thing we have been in some need of rain here, the ground was ever so thankful ;)
Now.. every GOOD cowboy should be able to quicky dress in pants 3 sizes to big and run out to the corral.. to fend off those "Ky-otes" quicky

The dude watching his team....

OHHH we were SOOO close....

Another requirement of the cowboy is to be able to hula.. I mean lasso a steer
Mrs. B shows the kiddos how...

The dude takes his turn...

My favorite buckaroo ;)

The diva finding her own enjoyment since she could find no horsies....

This is the diva's main man.. Mr. K.. he is the coolest kid on the block (he is cooler then me) and of course the cutest!

Miss G, a friend of the dude's ....

When I saw this next picture, it immediately brought a song to my head by Toby Keith, I don't know all the words but the chorus goes... (me in my best shower voice)
"Your gonna miss this,
your gonna want this back."
"Your gonna wish these days,
hadn't gone by so fast...these are some good times...
so take a good luck around-
you may not know this now,
but your gonna miss this"

They spent a lot of time fighting.. the dude way to cool for the diva, the diva not wanting to be
bothered by the dude.. but.. when all the fighting is done, all the coolness is gone, they are the best of friends.
I look back some days and wonder where the day went.. what did I do, and sometimes.. I wish I could have that day back.. to spend more time playing.. more time with them..I feel like I blink and they change , go from the cute, cherub faced baby who keeps you up half the night- to an almost 3 year old with opinions on everything under the sun... to an always on the go boy who spends his days playing with friends or playing ball.

I think the most truthful statement I have heard is "children are a gift from God". I could not agree more as they are the best gift I have ever received :)

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